Refunds and Returns

Refund and Returns/ Policy Overview

It’s important to us that you are fully satisfied with your purchase! We offer a full refund, for any reason, within 30 days of the purchase. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a full refund.

You may request a refund through the contact us link. You must include your original order number, the date of purchase and the name of the purchaser to be issued a refund. Please note, requests must be made prior to printing. There will be no refunds issues once a book has been printed.

Please note that once a refund has been approved, it may take up to 10 business days for the funds to transfer.

Refund and Returns/ Replacements

We are proud of the books we make and stand behind our products!

We will replace a book if it is defective (errors that are our responsibility and are inconsistent with information submitted through the questionnaires) or damaged. If you need to exchange your book for a reprint please make your request for a reprint through the “contact us” link.

You must include your original order number, the date of purchase and the name of the purchaser. You must also describe the defect or damage. You may be asked to submit a photo. Books that are damaged or defective will be replaced at our cost.

For additional information, please see our terms and conditions.