Our Story Ariana and her Grandmother, Marion

Our Story

Sunday dinners at my grandparent’s house were a well-loved tradition in my family. Each week, the family would gather around the table telling stories. My grandfather was a quiet man, but my grandmother never missed an opportunity to impart her words of wisdom on anyone within earshot. She was always guiding and teaching her family and she lovingly did that through her storytelling.

Perhaps in the spirit of my grandmother, I became an elementary school teacher. Eventually my family spread out, schedules became busy and with that Sunday dinners at my grandparent’s became a thing of the past. Still, I never passed up an opportunity to stop by my grandmother’s house for a homemade plate of spaghetti and some kind hearted advice.

As my grandmother got older, I recognized the need to preserve her stories. Together we set out to create her LifeBook, documenting all of my grandmother’s life experiences and keen insights. It has become a family treasure!

Preserving my grandmother’s life stories inspired me to create the Write My LifeBook platform. I wanted to share this fun and easy way of telling the life story of someone who is important in your life. I hope it brings you the same joy it has brought to me!

Ariana – Founder

That’s our story – what’s yours? Tell Your Loved-One’s Story

Sunday dinners at my grandparent’s house were a well-loved tradition in my family. Each week, the family would gather around the table telling stories. My grandfather was a quiet man, but my grandmother never missed an opportunity to impart her words of wisdom on anyone within earshot. She was always guiding and teaching her family and she lovingly did that through her storytelling.

Perhaps in the spirit of my grandmother, I became an elementary school teacher. Eventually my family spread out, schedules became busy and with that Sunday dinners at my grandparent’s became a thing of the past. Still, I never passed up an opportunity to stop by my grandmother’s house for a homemade plate of spaghetti and some kind hearted advice.

As my grandmother got older, I recognized the need to preserve her stories. Together we set out to create her Lifebook, documenting all of my grandmother’s life experiences and keen insights. It has become a family treasure!

Preserving my grandmother’s life stories inspired me to create the Write My Lifebook platform. I wanted to share this fun and easy way of telling the life story of someone who is important in your life. I hope it brings you the same joy it has brought to me!

Our Story. Ariana and her grandmother, Marion

Let us preserve your unique story with a beautiful LifeBook.

About Write My LifeBook

More of Our Story the Journal

“In the quiet corners of family history there are often hidden treasures waiting to be unearthed.”

For me, the journey into the past began unexpectedly when I stumbled upon a weathered census document from 1940 in Cleveland, Ohio, Cuyahoga County. Little did I know, this piece of paper would open a portal to the past, revealing a snapshot of my grandmother Marion’s life at the tender age of 13.

As I delicately unfolded the fragile document, the inked words transported me to an era long gone. There, in neat cursive handwriting, were the names of Marion, her three brothers, and five sisters. The document painted a vivid picture of a family, nestled in the heart of Cleveland, navigating the challenges of the 1940s. It was like stepping into a time machine, witnessing my ancestors as they were more than eight decades ago.

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